Monday, March 30, 2009

Have a safe trip home Grandma and Popo!

I just had a really fun visit with my Grandma and Popo, who flew here all the way from Pasadena, California. It seems like they just got here and this morning we already had to say goodbye. We had lots of great adventures, we had lunch out at some pretty nice places- Harrod's Georgian Room (where they had someone playing the piano the whole time, which was cool), The Soho Hotel (where I have lots of friends since we stayed there a whole week back in January) and Daddy joined us from work when we went, we also went to Grandma and Popo's favorite pub called The Mitre. It's very old. Established (whatever that means) in 1547. Wow!
Here's a little video of us there:

We also went on a barge ride on Regent's Canal from Little Venice to Camden on market day.
The boat was so full of people that a school group from Spain barely fit at the last minute. But good thing they did, I got to flirt with a teenage girl who sat right behind me. She let me play with here hand a little bit. Here are some pictures:

During their visit we also did lots of fun things like Gymboree and just cuddling, playing and laughing back at our flat. It was really fun spending a long time with them.
My mommy said that Grandma and Popo won't get back to Pasadena until after I go to bed tonight. I hope they're not walking 'cuz then they'd probably be pretty pooped!

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